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OPWSA Fall Family and Caregiver Conference 2019







OPWSA held our Fall Family and Caregiver Conference on Saturday, October 19, 2019 at the Ontario Science Centre in Toronto. It was an incredible day of learning for the parents and caregivers in our General Conference, and a day of exploration and activities for the individuals with PWS and their siblings in the Fun Friends Program.


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Thank you to our amazing line up of presenters for sharing their expertise with our community. Thank you Cindy Szapacs, Stacey Cornberg, Katherine Hofman, Marguerite Rupnow, Sara Cotter, Ron Malis, Dr. San Basak, Dr. Reena Kilian, Juana Munoz-Liceras, Maria Fernandes, and Holly Sine.


Thank you to our sponsors, SickKids Foundation and Levo Therapeutics, as well as Imagica for providing the photo booth.


Last, but certainly not least, a HUGE thank you to all of the families and caregivers that took the time to join us for the conference. We are appreciative of your active participation and support. We hope to see you again soon!


Pictures coming soon!

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